All aspects of our CYPs day are seen as learning opportunities with areas such as personal, social, behavioural and self-help skills being taught alongside the academic curriculum.
We keep the long term perspective for our CYP firmly in focus, we are committed to preparing our them for adult life, from the moment they ‘STEP IN’ to our school, as they ‘STEP UP’ and discover their own talents and interests and as they ‘STEP FORWARD’ into adulthood.
Our Residential provision is open from Monday to Thursday evenings during school term time.
Resi operates Mon-Thu during term time; each evening is allocated to a specific age group and one of our educational ‘STEP’ programs. The residential offer is one evening per week.
CYP aged seven and over are able to attend Resi and our 24-hour curriculum offer. A formal request may be made by completing a request for a residential placement form available on our website, or from the school office.
Admissions are agreed through negotiation with the parents/carers of the child. All CYP are involved in the induction process. We will gather as much information as possible about CYP and their individual needs. We also give information about the service and facilities we provide.